Litigation Support


Our service offering to support civil litigation is dependent on the nature of the dispute. We offer:

  • Quantification of damages in civil disputes
  • Asset tracing to recover ill-gotten gains
  • Investigating or assessing the basis for Anton Piller applications, subpoenas or other litigation regarding access to information; and
  • Evidence management in large civil disputes


Although law enforcement agencies have the sole mandate to institute criminal proceedings, assistance is more often than not required (especially in commercial crime matters) to support these agencies in executing the process. We offer the following services:

  • To act as watching brief on behalf of complainants;
  • Preparing evidence in a format that is court-ready;
  • Asset tracing to recover ill-gotten gains;
  • Representing complainants in plea-bargaining negotiations in terms of the Criminal Procedure Act;
  • Evidence management in large commercial crime criminal prosecutions; and
  • Drafting of charge sheets.


Some organizations (especially regulators) have its own dispute resolution procedures prescribed by regulations. We provide the following services in this regard:

  • Drafting or amending dispute resolution procedures, bringing it in line with the ADR concept in King III that has as objective quick and cost-effective dispute resolution.
  • Prosecuting on behalf of regulators in terms of its quasi-judicial regulatory framework.
  • Appearing on behalf of a respondent during quasi-judicial proceedings (limited to where we have no conflict of interest with regard to the regulator concerned); and
  • Appearing on behalf of any party in contractual disputes during the arbitration phase.

Legal Services

Although we do not provide litigation services, we do provide the following legal services:

  • Legal opinions
  • Interpretation of legislation and other legislative measures (i.e. regulations and gazetted guidelines / rules); and
  • Drafting of legislation (including subordinate legislative measures such as regulations).

Please contact us for more information.