
Whistle-blowing is one of the most effective ways of preventing and combating unethical conduct in the workplace. It is therefore imperative that every employer and employee understand the provisions of the Protected Disclosures Act of 2000 (PDA) as amended.  The amendments to the PDA provide for written feedback to whistle-blowers and specific time-frames.

It can even be described as a duty on employers to provide feedback to those who choose to receive feedback.  Nexus propagates a culture of whistle-blowing since it yields excellent results and ensures a healthy workplace. We are ideally placed to provide you with forensic investigations to assist your organisation in complying with the compulsory feedback to the whistle-blower.

We can guide and assist your organisation to comply with the PDA by providing you with a whistle-blowing policy and fraud risk reviews which include fraud awareness training. 

Please contact us for more information.